Novi Sad, August 4, 2011.

Rehabilitation planning of roads from the north of Vojvodina presented in the City Assembly of Novi Sad

Within presentation of the Draft Regional Spatial Plan of AP Vojvodina, two additional projects were introduced; rehabilitation planning of cross-border roads Bačalmaš-Bajmok and Tisasiget-Đala.

They are realized within IPA cross-border co-operation Programme between Serbia and Hungary. Leading project partner is Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt from Budapest and partner on Serbian side is PC "Institute for town planning of Vojvodina" from Novi Sad.

Director of the Institute, Vladimir Zelenović held the presentation. He provided guests with some general information related to these projects and gave them an update on current development situation.

The rehabilitation of these two roads, Tisasiget-Djala and Bacalmas-Bajmok, will improve flow of goods and people between Hungary and Serbia and will help in releasing the pressure on Horgoš, the busiest border crossing in region.

Zelenović noted that participation in such projects is very important because they allow the development of road infrastructure in the complex economic situation.

He also said that without the direct assistance of the Government of Vojvodina in the provision of funds for co-financing and pre-financing of the entire project, its implementation would not be possible.

The European Union donated Vojvodina through this project, a total of 700,000 euro for the development of planning documentation for rehabilitation of two important routes to neighboring Hungary, with a total length of 92.80 km.