■Information about the project "Development of a Road Border Crossing at Kübekháza (HU) - Rabe (SRB) area"“
In 2016 the Institute for Urban Development of
Vojvodina Public Enterprise, together with the Hungarian partner NIF - National Agency for Infrastructure (Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.) and PE "Putevi Srbije" competed with the project proposal Development of a Road Border Crossing at Kübekháza (HU)- Rabe (SRB) area - HUSRB/1601/0003, within the call for strategic projects of the Interreg IPA cross-border cooperation program.
The project has been approved for funding in February 2017 and the Donor Agreement was signed in October 2017. The total value of the project is 5,468,716.52 eur.
This created all the conditions for the beginning of the realization of this important cross-border, national and regional project.
This project will provide the spatial and technical conditions for the opening of the border crossing between Hungary and Serbia. It is also planned to build a new road in Hungary with a total length of 2309 m and rehabilitation of the road in Serbia with a total length of 1365 m.
The project will last a total of 36 months, and the following activities have been planned:
On the Serbian side:
- creation of spatial conditions and preparation of documentation for road construction / rehabilitation
- rehabilitation of 1365 m of road, in the area of the state border Hungary-Serbia, from the settlement of Rabe to the state border (State road II b row no. 302 Banatsko Arandjelovo - Rabe)
On the Hungarian side it is planned:
- preparation of technical documentation required for road construction,
- construction of a new road in the length of 2309 m and rehabilitation of 844 m of the existing road no. 4302.
Figure 1. Overview map - orthophoto of the location of the planned border crossing
Figure 2. Purpose of the area - Novi Kneževac - planned border crossing
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