Special Assembly of Vojvodinian association of planners was held on 11/02/2010 in the premises of the Urban and Spatial Planning Institute of Vojvodina. The main reason for convening an special session was to elect a new president of the Association, since in previous period, President of Association was our late fellow architect Mihajlo Rutar.
In addition to the President and Vice President election, all organs of the Association were elected too.... more
Department of Urban Planning, in various forms of organization, exists in the Province since 1950. This means that it will soon mark a big anniversary - 60 years.
During this long period, several times a name has changed, together with the mode of financing - until 1964. it was the budgetary institution, and in the same year there was the decision of the Executive Council of Vojvodina, by which the Institute began to be financed by the principles of income. Since then, the Institute intensifies it's work on the development of urban and spatial planning documents for a large number of settlements and municipalities in Vojvodina and begins intensive work on feasibility studies and projects in the areas of water supply and sanitation as well as on making decisions about the arrangement of construction land in cities and municipal centers. In short, the Department is profiled as a provincial institution that performs operations and activities of special social interest. New Statute of the Institute who was adopted in 1977, for the first time, defines scientific and research work as an activity of the Institute.... more
On December 28th New Year's presents award ceremony was organized for children of employees.
39 children, aged from 0-15 got their presents with candies and toys, appropriate to their age.
For the artistic part of the program, actors from creative studio "Čarolija" were hired and they performed a play called "Music, or .... nothing", that children watched with great interest. After the play, Santa Claus appeared in the hall... more