About the Project

The DATOURWAY project presents an outstanding example of transnational cooperation committed to the development of tourism along and on the middle and south-eastern section of the Danube River, while paying particular attention to the protection and enhancement of the natural and cultural resources linked to this area of the great European waterway. 

The concept of tourism is interpreted in the project in a broad sense. It is regarded as a complex activity either at short or long term, oriented towards recreation, resort and leisure, cultural enrichment, enjoyment of natural beauty as well as physical exercise. 

Furthermore, the aim of the project is to enhance and promote transnational cooperation in tourism linked to the various touristic potentials of the river, of the riverbanks as well as the natural beauty of the riverside area and architectural assets of the lively towns, cities and villages by the Danube.

The project aims to attain the following: 

  • to set up a GIS based information system by pooling and integrating the national, regional and, in part, local statistical data and surveys as well as the available studies and programs;

  • to carry out national targeted analyses and to synthesize as well as evaluate their findings;

  • to elaborate, discuss and by means of stakeholder involvement adopt an integrated strategy for the ecologically viable tourism of the south-eastern Danube corridor;

  • to elaborate – on participatory basis – pilot projects for strategic transnational areas like the exquisite landscape of Danube bend (HU-SK); a tri-state (HU-SER-CRO) area expecting economic recovery by means of tourism, a site of urban-rural tourism linkages (RO-BG), comparison of river deltas (RO-IT) and for a greenway all along this section of Danube;  

  • to set up a tourism inventory for spreading information to the international public on tourist possibilities along this part of the Danube as well as on services which the riverside municipalities can offer. 

Project Partners

It is not the aim of the projects to create new institutional structures. The intended transnational co-operation shall be based on common agreements on the working structure without institutional settings. In DATOURWAY the principle is to reach a transnational agreement on a common tourism strategy and integration of policies and pilot projects into national, regional and local as well as European plans and policies.

The project planning started in spring 2008; and it’s being implemented between 1 May 2009 and 28 February 2012.

Project activities:

     WP1 – Transnational Project Management and Coordination
          1.1 Project management

     WP2 – Communication and Dissemination
          2.1 Communication strategy planning
          2.2 Internal communication
          2.3 External communication

     WP3 – Territorial survey and evaluation (Analysis)
          3.1 Common methodology planning
          3.2 National analyses
          3.3 Transnational analysis

     WP4 – Strategy 
          4.1 SWOT Analysis
          4.2 Strategy elaboration
          4.3 Strategy dissemination

     WP5 – Pilot projects 
          5.1 PiP 1: “Dunakanyar” (SK-HU) – cross-border partnership via tourism after Schenghen
          5.2 PiP 2: “Béda-Karapancsa” (HU-SER-CRO) – Economic opportunity (via tourism) in ecological milieu
          5.3 PiP 3: “Calafat-Vidin” (BG-RO) – City tourism and rural neighbourhood
          5.4 PiP 4: “Deltas” (ITA-RO) – Eco-friendly tourism development of river deltas
          5.5 PiP 5: “Greenways along the Danube” (all partners) – Green corridor for non-motorized users

     WP6 – Networking 
          6.1 Promotion of partnership of Danube communities in destination management 
          6.2 Elaboration of  a common guidebook for Big River projects

Activities on DATOURWAY Project

Rezultati projekta DATOURWAY

The national analysis of the territorial tourism strategy - Serbia
The national analysis of the territorial tourism strategy - Croatia
The national analysis of the territorial tourism strategy - Hungary
The national analysis of the territorial tourism strategy - Bulgaria
The national analysis of the territorial tourism strategy - Slovak Republic
The national analysis of the territorial tourism strategy - Romania
DATOURWAY - Transnational Strategy for the Territorial Development of the Danube Area, with special regard to Tourism - SYNTHESIS
Big River Projects Guidebook
DATOURWAY - Transnational Strategy for the Sustainable Territorial Development of the Danube Area with special regard to Tourism
DATOURWAY Investment Guidebook
“Béda-Karapancsa” pilot project
“Béda-Karapancsa” pilot project Background report

  • contact info
  •   zavurbvo@gmail.com
  •        +381 21 529 444
  • contact form