Public Presentation of Draft Regional Spatial Plan of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Regional Spatial Plan of Vojvodina on the environment, was held in Novi Sad.
Regional Spatial Plan of AP Vojvodina is the most important spatial planning document that is adopted for the territory of Vojvodina after more than three decades.... more
Na osnovu pokrenutog postupka javne nabavke u otvorenom postupku 05.04.2011., od strane JP ''Puteva Srbije'' – Beograd za poslove:
1. Izmena i dopuna Prostornog plana područja infrastrukturnog koridora granica Hrvatske – Beograd (Dobanovci)
2. Izmena i dopuna Prostornog plana područja infrastrukturnog koridora auto puta E-75 Subotica – Beograd (Batajnica)
Zavod je pripremio traženu dokumentaciju i 20.05.2011. poslao svoju ponudu Investitoru.
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The session of the Provincial Council for monitoring of the development and adoption of the Regional Spatial Plan of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina was held on June 6th, 2011. in the Government of AP Vojvodina.
The presentation of the most important strategic document was attended by Prime Minister of AP Vojvodina Dr. BojanPajtić, as well as members of the Government.
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