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Novi Sad, February 20, 2018.

The opening conference of the project "Development of a Road Border Crossing at Kübekháza (HU) - Rabe (SRB) area" was held

At the opening conference in the Master Center of the Novi Sad Fair, the project "Development of the transitional road in the area of Kubekhaza-Raba", which is being implemented within the Interreg IPA cross-border cooperation program between Hungary and Serbia, was presented. The conference was attended by representatives of several Ministries and Secretariats of both countries, project participants, interested citizens, representatives of local governments and the media.

This project will provide conditions for the opening of a new border crossing between Serbia and Hungary, on the border of Hungary, Serbia and Romania.

The leading partner in the project is the Hungarian NIF - National Agency for Infrastructure, with partners: Public Company "Roads of Serbia" and Public Company "Institute for Urbanism of Vojvodina".

“This project is co-financed by the European Union, through the Interreg IPA program. It is worth 5.4 million euros, of which 4.6 million euros were allocated to the National Agency for Infrastructure. We have before us the work of land expropriation, rehabilitation of 844 meters of the existing road, preparation of planning documentation and construction of a new road of 2309 meters. The Institute for Urbanism of Vojvodina, together with its partners, competed in 2016 with the project proposal "Development of a transitional road in the area of Kubekhaza - Rabe". The project was approved for funding in February 2017, and the donor agreement was signed in October of the same year. This created all the conditions for the beginning of the realization of this important cross-border, national and provincial project.

Although the municipality of Novi Kneževac is not classified as an underdeveloped municipality, it functionally lags behind the average of Vojvodina. Therefore, this IPA project will bring multiple benefits, both for the municipality and for the northern part of Banat.

The project will last for 36 months, ending in September 2019. In addition to contributing to better interstate economic relations, it will facilitate communication in the fields of culture, tourism and education. The implementation of the project will enable unhindered traffic on the public road and relieve the border crossings Horgos-Reske and Kelebija-Tompa. It will also facilitate traffic for pedestrians and cyclists, and thus improve the protection of the natural environment, which is one of the most important EU directives.

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